"I, Guru, am writing this letter to my fans, friends and loved ones around the world. I have had a long battle with cancer and have succumbed to the disease. I have suffered with this illness for over a year. I have exhausted all medical options. I have a non-profit organisation called Each One Counts dedicated to carrying on my charitable work on behalf of abused and disadvantaged children from around the world and also to educate and research a cure for this terrible disease that took my life. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sorrow but of joy for what a wonderful life I have enjoyed and how many great people I have had the pleasure of meeting."
Rest in peace and thank you for some of the greatest Hip Hop ever made.
rakim spills the beans on a classic Eric B story. Sad that they don't even talk anymore, These two had a pretty big impact on me as a child growing up, amazing beats, complex rhymes and MASSIVE GOLD ROPE CHAINS !!!